How Hard is It to Continue Gains Reddit

A frequently discussed question among bodybuilders and people on steroids is whether you can keep your gains once you are off gear. Unfortunately, or not, the answer of is no.

Why are anabolic steroids so effective at making people more muscular?

Anabolic steroids, technically known as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), are drugs that have properties and effects similar to the hormone testosterone in the body. They increase the protein within cells, especially in skeletal muscles, by altering the regular synthesis of protein.

The reason why people get so abnormally muscular on steroids is that even a small cycle increases the testosterone levels far beyond the normal range. This literally means that the ability of the body to build muscle mass multiplies.

In essence, the user becomes a super human compared to the mortals doing it naturally. During a successful cycle, it's not uncommon to gain 15lbs/7kg or more of actual muscle mass.

Of course, even on steroids, the gains slow down at some point because the organs and the androgen receptors burn out.

Reaching Your Genetic Potential

While the Satanists in the world want you to believe that you can be a God, the truth is that you can't. In one of his popular interviews, the actor Will Smith said that 2 + 2 will equal whatever he wants it to equal. This reveals the belief that man is as powerful as God. Similar statements are the equivalent of saying that you are going to beat gravity or live 200 years. It's unnatural and never going to happen.

The same limitation principle applies to building muscle. There are two limits in the world of muscle fiber construction – your natural limit and your steroid limit.

This is how life works. Sorry, but work and ego sickness are not going to change that for you. You can choose to ignore the limits, but that would be as effective as ignoring the existence of gravity or the need to sleep. Tell us how it goes for you.

So, what happens when you go off steroids?

Example 1

Person A starts taking steroids after reaching his natural genetic potential. He does a few cycles and gains 40lbs/18kg of bodyweight (mostly muscle and water).

Let's say that the individual's maximum genetic potential was something like 170-180lbs/77-82kg and thanks to the steroids he reached the magic 220lbs/100kg.

Once that person cuts off the drugs completely, he will revert back to 170-180lbs. The period between 220lbs and 170 -180lbs will be a nightmare.

When you stop taking steroids, your testosterone levels will be extremely low. It will take them a long time to revert back to normal. If you have been injecting for a very lengthy period, your endocrine system may never recover completely.

Example 2

Person B starts taking steroids before actually reaching his genetic potential. Let's say that the individual in question has a 170lbs maximum genetic potential but starts taking steroids at 150 lbs and reaches 200 lbs. Once that individual stops using the drugs, he will drop to 150 -160lbs. Some of the muscle can be kept because the individual had room for natural growth before roiding up. However, most likely, person B will also fall back down to the starting point.


In the presented cases, there are 3 factors contributing to growth – steroids, training, and nutrition. Once you remove anabolic steroids from the equation, the other two will have to compensate. That's impossible.

If you could support your steroid gains by just training more and eating better, you wouldn't have to take steroid in the first place. Training and eating have never been capable of producing drug-like results.  When you don't have the required hormones in your system to support your new muscle mass, all your gains will evaporate over time. Nutrition and training can only do so much. Food and lifting cannot alter the regular synthesis of muscle protein. Therefore, they cannot replicate the effect produced by anabolic steroids.

Here's an even simpler explanation:

Tommy works two jobs. His day job as a clerk earns him USD 1000. Since he needs more money, he also works as a gigolo at night and gets paid USD 6000 a month. One day Tommy gets tired of satisfying sexually deprived ladies and quits. His income will drop to USD 1000, and eventually, this will have a reflection on his lifestyle. Regardless of how hard he works at his clerk job, he is never going to reach his income as a gigolo.

Can't I just keep some of the gains? I promise I'll be a very good boy.

No, you can't. Sorry. You can't keep any gains that came solely from steroids. You can only keep the gains that you were going to have with or without steroids.

In conclusion

No matter what they tell you, you can't keep your steroid gains. There are many people who claim that it's possible, but they are basically liars, idiots or steroid sellers.

Even the pros downsize significantly once they stop taking steroids.

Below is a typical bodybuilding detransformation that illustrates what happens once you quit.

Chris Cormier's bodybuilding detransformation is a proof that you can't keep much of your gains once you are off gear.

Chris Cormier's bodybuilding detransformation is a proof that you can't keep your gains once you are off gear.

At the end of the day, we always pay the price for our actions. We can lie only to ourselves and other people, but never to nature. We are nothing but little scripts running on a big computer. We choose neither the programming language nor the source code.

P.S. If you want to learn more about the human potential for growth, check out the book Potential: How Big Can You Get Naturally, as well as the rest of the articles on the site.

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